How Often Should an Office Air Conditioner be Cleaned?

We are very lucky that for most of the time an air conditioning system: Will just work away in the background making your space a more comfortable environment.

We are very lucky that for most of the time an air conditioning system:

  • Will just work away in the background making your space a more comfortable environment.
  • Will be like another good worker solidly providing service i.e. cool or warm air for many many years.

However as with all machines they need some tender loving care (TLC) to ensure they perform optimally and to avoid future expensive issues.  This TLC for an air conditioning system takes the form of a periodic schedule of maintenance and servicing, which includes air conditioning system cleaning.

As we know you will appreciate your air conditioning system is a key component to your office building.  This is not only for the comfort of your staff but also for the server rooms so as to maintain your servers at the optimal operating temperature.  In addition, having staff feel that they are at a comfortable temperature will mean they are more productive as they will be able to focus.

The servicing and maintenance of the air conditioning system as discussed above are essential activities that that will need to be in the budget for your organisation.  Further it is very advisable to set up a regular schedule for these activities.  The application of this approach will help to:

  • Make our system give the longest service life possible.
  • Reduce the risk of an interruption to your working conditions/environment.

Standard of Air Quality in Your Office

The standard/quality of the air in your office is of course important.  This however becomes even more of a focus area if your site is located in a:

  • City location.


  • Industrial area.

If your building is in one of the above locations even if your building has windows that open if you open them the following odours can make their way into your work environment:

  • Car and lorry fumes.
  • Traffic noise.
  • Smells that have emanated from other buildings close by.

We feel therefore that the air conditioning system in your office is a majorly important item.

Periodicity of Air Conditioner Servicing

The regular period upon which our air conditioning system will need to be serviced will be based on:

  • The workload the system is put under

To help clarify this point you may be a business that:

  • Uses the air conditioning system in your office space in the summer only.


  • Makes use of your air conditioning system 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

The good news is there are some standard checks that your own maintenance crew can perform.  However, when it comes to the necessary proper service activity then that is the time to call in the experts such as Atmostherm.

As you will appreciate if your air conditioning system is not properly maintained it will:

  • Result eventually in it breaking down. This failure being caused by components failing.
  • Result in higher fuel bills.

In certain business it is only as the quality of the conditioned air falls or the fuel bills rise that a decision is made to have the air conditioning looked at.  We feel this in not the wise approach for the reasons stated above.

Dirty Air Conditioning Vents

As a rough guide as to if you need to have your conditioning system serviced outside of the standard service schedule is to check if the air conditioning unit itself is actually clean.

If your air conditioning units are not clean the dirt can cause issues.  It is important to note that if you regularly dust the vents on your air conditioning units you can help to increase the life span of your air conditioning system.

Air Conditioner Filters

Filters within air conditioning units can often (dependent on type) be taken out and cleaned by:

  • Using warm water to rise them.
  • Applying a spray of anti-bacterial liquid.

This will help keep your air conditioning units run for longer and at a better standard as the filters are a very important component in an office air conditioning unit.  Please note that your filter gives protection to the components of your air conditioning units by pulling the following from the air:

  • Dust
  • Allergens
  • Any other unwished-for particles

The flip side of this is that if your filters are mucky the conditioner units’ components will need to work much harder i.e. a greater load.  Some types of filters can easily be popped out and replaced in between service intervals whereas other types can be cleaned.

Obstructions to the correct operation of the conditioner units

In many companies the condensing component of the air conditioning system is located on the exterior of office, so it is best placed to pull in air.  This placement however has potential issues such as items landing on the unit and causing it to operate below its optimal level.  Common culprits are:

  • Leaves
  • Branches/twigs.
  • Discarded plastic bags.

It is a good idea to get your maintenance crew to perform a regular inspection of the condensers to help to keep your air conditioning system operating effectively.

Airflow Checks

It is wise to have your maintenance crew perform regular check on the power of the air flow from your conditioning units.  As long as the condensing components have no obstructions if the flow is poor or it varies it is time to call in an expert such as Atmostherm to fix the issue.

A good check to perform if heat setting is failing to operate

A good guide on how well you air conditioning system is working is to flip it between air cooling and air heating (if your system has a heating option).  If the units fail to turn to hated air then it is likely that that ‘reverse valve’ component is not operating properly and you will need a air conditioning expert such as Atmostherm to fix it for you.

System Corrosion

In addition to the points we have detailed above on maintaining your air conditioning units we also recommend you have your maintenance team keep an eye out for corrosion.  The good news is if caught early it can usually be dealt with by the use of specialist paint.  However, if left to get worse you will need assistance from an air conditioning professional.  You will no doubt be pleased to hear that your Atmostherm engineer will complete a check for such an issue as part of a routine service.

What does a professional clean & service of an office air conditioning system usually comprise?

An office air conditioning service will usually in part comprise of:

  • Thorough system test.
  • Components cleaned.
  • Refrigeration gas leak test.
  • Apply oil to the motor components.
  • Examine/evaluate the electrical component connections.
  • Take measurements of the air flow level.
  • Evaluate the functionality of the thermostat.

The above is of course just a summary list to give you an idea of the activities involved.

Next Steps

If you are looking to engage with a company who are air conditioning experts and are both friendly and helpful, please give us a call at Atmostherm.

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